How to dry walnuts with TROCKNNER dryers?

How to dry walnuts with TROCKNNER dryers?

Walnut drying is an essential process to preserve quality and prolong shelf life, guaranteeing its flavor and texture. Proper drying prevents the development of mold and the proliferation of bacteria, ensuring food safety.

In Chile, the walnut industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. The country's Mediterranean climate provides ideal conditions for growing high-quality walnuts. Global demand for Chilean walnuts has increased, thanks to their distinctive flavor and production standards.

Globally, the walnut industry has become increasingly important due to the health benefits associated with its consumption. Walnuts are a rich source of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and protein. In addition, its regular consumption has been shown to contribute to cardiovascular and brain health.

Proper drying of the nuts ensures that their valuable nutrients are kept intact and their organoleptic properties are preserved. Modern drying techniques, such as drying in the air, in the sun or using specialized equipment, have improved the efficiency and quality of the process.

In summary, walnut drying plays a fundamental role in the industry both in Chile and in the world.

TROCKNNER drying equipment guarantees the quality, safety and nutritional value of walnuts, boosting their demand and contributing to the growth of the industry globally. The drying of walnuts is carried out in 3 stages:

  • First stage

The walnuts are entered into the drying chamber and dehumidification begins opportunely at a temperature of 30 - 35 °C for 8 - 12 hours, the water is dispersed on the surface of the shell and the moisture is eliminated when the color changes from dark brown to brown.

  • Second stage

In the second stage, the initial toasting is carried out to fix the color. After dehumidification is complete, initial roasting is started, the temperature is increased to 50 °C for 12 hours. The completion of drying is characterized by the absence of water vapor inside the drupe, and the grain is 70% dry, but the grain can be further dried.

  • third stage

    After the drying period to fix the color has finished, the beans enter the final drying phase. The temperature is controlled at 30°C for approximately 16 hours. At this time, the water content reaches about 10%. Finally, the drying phase of the walnut kernel is complete.

    When it comes to quality, service and value. Count on TROCKNNER dryers!

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