Years of development, innovation and the highest quality materials have gone into the construction of our drying equipment. It is our dedication to efficiency that sets TROCKNNER dryers apart from the rest and makes them the best on the market.


During drying, the moisture from the green wood evaporates into the air, increasing the humidity inside the chamber. Moisture must be periodically removed from the chamber because the wood cannot continue to dry if the air becomes excessively saturated. In a conventional dryer, moisture would be expelled through the vent. But ventilation causes significant heat loss resulting in wasted energy, since the temperature must be raised again to adequately remove moisture.

TROCKNNER dryers do not waste energy through ventilation. Instead, it uses a cooling system that condenses excess moisture, retaining existing thermal energy to be reused. Once the moisture is removed and heat is reintroduced into the dry air, it is pumped back into the drying chamber to start the process all over again. Unlike conventional dryers, the heater in your TROCKNNER dryer is only used during initial heating and sometimes when you want to increase the temperature during the cycle, saving you time and money. But that's not all our dryer has to offer!


Energy efficiency and sustainability have become prominent terms in recent years. Our systems reduce energy costs for drying by 40 - 60%. Taking advantage of energy efficiency as a means to help our customers be more competitive has always been part of our culture! Of course, in this era of climate change, the need to become more sustainable and start the energy transition has become a pressing issue. At TROCKNNER , we see it as a central part of our mission.

We have set ourselves the goal of helping our customers transition from the use of fossil fuels to electricity generated from renewable sources. We aspire to play an important role in solving this problem.

From today your wood drying experience will be totally different from what you are used to!

Each dryer includes; the heat pump unit, wood moisture sensors and PLC based electrical controls with an intuitive display for the operator. Heat pumps are very efficient and only need electricity to work, so fuel consumption and emissions produced by combustion are eliminated. The traditional heat pump is built with a galvanized steel casing and after a while of use it begins to corrode, likewise, the copper tube of the evaporator corrodes and this can cause refrigerant leakage. Instead, the TROCKNNER heat pump is made of stainless steel and has a special anti-corrosion coating on the evaporator. This gives super anti-corrosion properties, which makes the heat pump work more stable.

Whether you're a hobbyist or a consummate professional, the TROCKNNER line of dryers deliver great results load after load.

"Don't hesitate to contact us to answer your questions and provide the expert advice you need. If you're not sure what size dryer you need, we're not going to give you a sales pitch, we're going to give you a run on the numbers and a straight answer from what type of system will work best for you".


Join the sustainability movement and make your business greener with our drying equipment.

Contact us today for more information!