Precision drying for unmatched product quality

Precision drying for unmatched product quality

TROCKNNER focuses its design efforts using information and data obtained from our customers (and using state-of-the-art design tools and manufacturing techniques) to provide specific processing conditions for a wide variety of pet products. Regardless of the type of product, be it meat, poultry, seafood, candy, sticks, etc., one thing is clear to our dehydrator users: Unbeatable product quality is the top priority.

Each customer defines quality differently, but typical requirements are good color, attractive surface appearance (no cracks or blistering), and storage-stable water activity values. During the drying cycle, all of these characteristics will be affected by a combination of temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and dwell time, as well as product properties such as physical form, ingredients, and product support (grids). , trays, etc.).

Temperature has a significant influence on both the rate of water removal and the quality of the product, and many products will not perform well at temperatures above 65°C, so precise temperature control in the range of 30 to 65°C. The heat pump used with the TROCKNNER dryer not only provides this control, but also condenses and collects the water that is removed during the drying cycle, consuming approximately half the energy compared to a conventional gas system. In addition to providing the optimal conditions for processing jerky and other products, heat pump dehydration systems do not require fossil fuels to operate, thus eliminating carbon emissions.

Uniform air movement and relative humidity control will also affect drying times and product quality, and TROCKNNER dehydrators provide control of both via a PLC with a touch screen that can be accessed remotely via a phone, tablet or computer.

Care must also be taken to load the product into the drying chamber in such a way that most of the surface area of each individual piece of product is exposed. For example, pieces that are stacked on top of each other or large, densely packed shelves of hanging produce can impede the drying process and lead to wet spots or uneven treatment.

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