Watermelon drying | TROCKNNER fruit dehydrator

Watermelon drying | TROCKNNER fruit dehydrator

How to dry watermelon?

TROCK-FOOD fruit and vegetable dryers are ideal for dehydrating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including watermelon. In general, the temperature range of the TROCKNNER dryer can be adjusted between 30°C and 80°C, and the specific temperature should be adjusted according to the type and size of the food to be dried.


When drying watermelons, it is recommended to cut them into slices or cubes to speed up the process. The ideal temperature for drying should be kept between 50°C and 60°C, as too high a temperature could cause the watermelon to lose water very quickly and could also destroy some of its nutrients. Drying time should be adjusted according to specific conditions, but generally varies between several hours and a day.


It should be noted that during the drying process with the TROCK - FOOD system, good ventilation must be maintained to prevent heat build-up and moisture retention. The watermelon should also be monitored and stirred periodically during drying to ensure that it is heated evenly and to prevent it from drying out too much.

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